cookie warning


WARNING: All commercial search engines will deposit "Cookies" on your hard drive. You can set your browser to reject "Cookie" placement or to warn you of incoming "Cookies." If you are using Firefox as your browser, you can also set it to accept cookies for the current internet session and automatically wipe them out when you exit Firefox.
While "Cookies" are not viruses and will NOT damage your computer, they DO allow advertisers to profile and more effectively Target you. They also act as tire tracks as you spelunk the Internet, undermining your right to privacy. Most sites listed here allow use with cookies disabled.  You can also search your hard drive for cookie files, make a shortcut to these files from your desktop, and manually erase cookies after internet sessions. Firefox offers a number of options for scrubbing cookies and other bits of private information.
Also be aware that search engines are commercial businesses funded by advertising dollars --  Some often push the websites of paying clients to the top of search lists. Some search engines only include feepaying sits thus censoring your view of the net. To evaluate competing search engines, do identical searches and compare results., for example, is severely limited when compared to Google.  Google currently seems to be the quickest as well.
