Mike's Op-Ed Columns
Michael I Niman is a Professor of Journalism & Critical Media Studies
in the Communication Department @ S.U.N.Y. Buffalo State
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WATCH Mike's Keynote Address to the 2011 Eastern Community College Social Sciences Association Conference
"Naming the Crisis - Contextualizing Disaster"
LISTEN to Mike Discuss Nonviolence and the Rainbow Family on NPR - AUDIO Stream / Splash Page
WATCH Mike's August 2005 Presentation at the Chautauqua Institute Hall of Philosophy
Mike's Project Censored 2004 Award Winning Article is Available Online From The Humanist
1989 Project Censored Award: US Military Environmental Destruction in Costa Rica
Mike's "Die Zombie Newspapers Die" in the 2010 Project Censored Yearbook!
Order Yours From Project Censored
Nine Forces Driving the Rise of Fascism in 2019 - The Public 1/16/19
Five Forces Driving the Rise of Fascism in 2019 - Truthout 1/13/19
I Will Not Speak Kindly of the Dead. Bush Was Detestable. - Truthout 12/04/18
Kaerpernick is a Hero. Nike is Still Evil - The Public 9/10/18
The Attraction of Putin - The Public 8/1/18
This is a Racist Symbol ("Blue Lives Matter" Flag Remix)- The Public 6/25/18
I never wantd to Write About Trump - The Public 4/25/18
GOPspeak: Fighting the Anti-Trump Bias One Word at a Time - The Public 12/19/17
CNN and Trump: A Noxious Marriage - The Public 11/29/17 The Humanist
Republicans on the Wrong Side of History - The Public 11/22/17
Bubba Trump and the Politics of Assholes - The Public 8/22/17
Entertained By Our Own Destruction - The Public 7/5/17
How China Bought Trump- The Public 3/21/17 Truthout
Something Stinks in the Michigan Presidential Vote Count - The Public 12/13/16
President Pence - The Public 11/16/16 Truthout
Trump, Pepe the Frog, and the White Supremacist Bromance - The Public 9/21/16
Another Week Closer to Fascism - The Public 9/14/16 Truthout
Trump's Candidacy Warns Us a Fascist Could be Elected - The Public 8/17/16
Green Party, White Priviledge - The Public 6/27/16
Calling Out the Republican Party as a Hate Group -Truthout 11/24/15
As Confederate Flags Fall, Columbus Statues Stand Tall - The Public 9/16/15 - Truthout 10/12/15
Radical Time Capsule: After 14 Years, FBI Returns Computers to Buffalo Bookstore Owner - The Public 7/14/15 Truthout
Last Week in Black and White - ArtVoice 6/25/15
Is Buffalo Baltimore- The Public 5/5/15 Truthout 5/11/15
Maiming the IRS: What are those Wiley Republicans up to Now? - ArtVoice 4/30/15
Hoosier Homophobia Crushed, Racism Continues On - The Public 4/7/15
Buffalo's Bomb Trains - ArtVoice 2/26/15 Truthout 2/27/15
Framing The News (Brian Williams Contextualized) - The Public 2/18/15 Truthout2/21/15
Why We Keep Schools Open when it Snows - ArtVoice 2/5/15 Truthout 2/7/15
The Year of the Racist - The Public 1/7/15
Buying the Next Bailout - The Public 12/17/14 Truthout
Citizen Journalists: We Couldn't Do it Without You - The Public 12/10/14
Killing Hope: Six Years of the Obama Presidency -The Public 11/26/14 Truthout
There Aren't Any Libertarians in a Buffalo Blizzard - ArtVoice 11/27/14 Truthout
Waging War vs. Keeping the Peace: Rethinking How We Hire Cops The Humanist Nov-Dec 2014 AV
Election 2014: Welcome to Year Three of the Citizens United Era - The Public 11/12/14
Symbiosis: Ebola and Reaganomics - ArtVoice 10/16/14
Texas Bans Thinking - Again - ArtVoice 9/25/14
Eco-Branding the White House on the Eve of Climate Doom - ArtVoice 5/15/14
Cold War II: Those Evil Russkie He-Men are Making us Frack Ourselves - Coldtype May 2014
The Snow Conspiracy - 2/6/14
Hillary vs. the 99% - ArtVoice1/23/14
Mandela and Reagan - ArtVoice 12/12/13
The Biggest Crime Story Nobody's Reporting: We Name Names (global warming $) - ArtVoice 11/28/13
Obamacare: The Republican Party's Long Con - ArtVoice 11/14/13 Truthout
My Tea Party vs. The Oligarchs: The story of hamantaschen-hatted hecklers and rooftop solar panels - ArtVoice10/31/13 Truthout
A Reprieve From Climate Doom: If Only the Fox News Universe Was Real - Truthout 10/3/13 AV
Obama in Buffalo: Mr. President, This is Why College Tuition is So High - ArtVoice 8/29/13
The Not-So-Simple Saga of Edward and Barack... - Coldtype October 2013
Sequester This! A Story of Sabotage and Theft - ArtVoice 3/7/13 AV
You've Got No Mail: The Corporate Hit Job on the Postal Service Continues - ArtVoice 2/14/13 AV
Crazy for Guns - ArtVoice 1/17/13 AV
Thirteen Safe Bets for 2013 - ArtVoice 1/3/12 AV Truthout 1/4/12 TO
If You're Reading This, the World Hasn't Ended - Yet Truthout 12/22/12 TO
Obama Was Re-Elected: Now What? ArtVoice11/15/12 12/19/12 TO
The Dirty Dozen: The Top 12 Election Issues Nobody is Talking About ArtVoice 10/18/12 AV
What the Presidential Debates Say About Us. ArtVoice 10/11/12 AV
Where's Our Outrage: Media Ignore Republican Disdain for Basic Human Rights ArtVoice 10/4/12 AV Truthout 10/5/12 TO
Occupy the Truth: Challenging the Corporate Media’s Premature Post-Mortem on the Occupy Movement ArtVoice 9/20/12 AV
Robots of Mayberry ArtVoice 9/6/12 AV
Romney in Jerusalem ArtVoice 8/02/12 AV
The Republican Depression: Republicans are Depressing ArtVoice 7/5/12 AV
Bully Politics Truthout 5/17/12 TO
The Business of Business is to Employ People ArtVoice 4/26/12 AV
6 Scary Extreme Energy Sources Being Tapped to Fuel the Post Peak Oil Economy Alternet 4/15/12,
Son of Frackenstein Alternet 4/15/12, ArtVoice 4/5/12
Legalizing Sexual Harassment and Legislating Rape: Republican Statehouses Declare War on Women ArtVoice, 3/22/12 AV
The Republican Implosion Myth: How Republicans Are Winning Truthout, ArtVoice, 3/8/12. AV TO
Going Anti-Postal: What Kind of Nation Won't Fund a Post Office The Humanist, March 2012
Ron Paul + Potheads = Racist Dopes ArtVoice 2/2/12 AV
This'll Kill Ya: Pepper Spray and the Modern Lexicon of "Less Than Lethal" Oppression, Coldtype, January 2012
Gaming the Global Economy: A New Transatlantic Cable for Insider Trading ArtVoice 1/4/12, Truthout 1/8/12 AV TO
Going Postal: What Kind of Nation Doesn't Support a Post Office? ArtVoice 12/22/11 AV
Pepper Spray ArtVoice 12/15/11 AV
The War on Occupy: How the Media is Abetting the Government Crackdown on the 99 Percent ArtVoice 12/2/11 AV
iDidn't Mourn Steve Jobs ArtVoice AV
#OCCUPY YOUR DREAMS ArtVoice 10/14/11, Truthout 10/17/11 AV, TO
All Aboard the Crazy Train (Rick Perry) ArtVoice 9/15/11 AV
London's Burning ArtVoice 8/18/11, Truthout 8/22/11 AV, TO
Downgrading Capitalism 8/9/11
Been to a Park Lately? (Taxes and Summer in Buffalo) ArtVoice 7/28/11
The Republican Romance with Debt and Unemployment ArtVoice (and syndication) 7/14/11 AV
Been on an Interstate Lately? ArtVoice (and syndication) 6/23/11
Been to a Nursing Home Lately? ArtVoice 6/16/11, Truthout 6/17/11 AV , TO
Obama vs. Osama Smackdown 5/2/11
Ben and Jerry's Fukushima Crunch to Hit Supermarkets Soon ArtVoice (etc.) 4/14/11 AV
Nuclear Fallout: El Diablo, Godzilla, and the Greens ArtVoice (etc.) 4/7/11 AV
Unionize Everybody! ArtVoice (etc.) 3/17/11 AV HUM
2012 : Definately, The End of the World as We Knew It ArtVoice (etc.) 3/3/11 AV
I am the Enemy ArtVoice (etc.) 2/24/11 AV
Revolution in the Age of Facebook ArtVoice (etc.) 2/17/11 AV
I'm OK, You're Insane: Kneejerks rhetorically battle rationalists in wake of the Giffords shooting ArtVoice (etc.) 1/20/11 AV
and the $240,000,000,000.00 "Repealing the Job Killing Healthcare Act" Act ArtVoice (etc.) 1/13/11 AV
Wikileaks and the End of Democracy ArtVoice (etc.) 12/16/10 AV
Tax the Rich! ArtVoice (etc.) 12/9/10 AV
Dancing With "Pygmies," Flirting With Nuclear War in North Korea ArtVoice 12/2/10 AV
Learning to Love Big Brother ArtVoice (etc) 11/11/10 AV
Reform, Change, Deregulation, and Other Post-Cognitive Political Memes ArtVoice (etc.) 10/28/10 AV
Show Me Your Heroes ArtVoice (etc.) 9/23/10 AV
Our Zany March Toward Intolerance ArtVoice (etc.) 8/26/10 AV
BP: A Cork and a Prayer ArtVoice (etc.) 7/22/10 AV
The Hate Group and the Grassroots Music Festival 7/15/10 (adapted from ArtVoice 10/20/05)
Contextualizing Arizona: That Illegal Look ArtVoice (etc.) 5/20/10 AV
BP platform bombed by eco-terrorists still leaking clean oil ArtVoice (etc.) 5/13/10 AV
Those Wacky Republicans ArtVoice (etc.) 4/1/10 AV
The Politics of Snow ArtVoice (etc.) 2/18/10 AV
The Copulation Bomb ArtVoice (etc.) 2/11/10 AV
Taxachusetts Mayhem ArtVoice (etc.) 1/ 28/10 AV
The Doomsday Lobby ArtVoice (etc.) 12/17/09 AV
Court Rules Feds at Fault for Katrina Flooding ArtVoice 11/26/09 AV
Naked Pumpkins, Sex Offenders and Terrorists The Humanist Jan/Feb 2010 HUM / ArtVoice 11/4/09 AV
Twitter Tweeter Busted at G20: Buffy and Curious George Seized in Terror Probe . ArtVoice (etc.) 10-15-09 AV
Ghost of Bush: How Dubya's Court Can Undo Democracy ArtVoice (etc.) 9/17/09 AV
Shopping While Black at Wal-Mart (includes MO prosecutor's response and links to follow-up stories) Progressive Populist 9/1/09 PP
Whose Recovery? ArtVoice (etc.) 8/13/09 AV
A Billion Bucks for Clunkers Ain't Green ArtVoice(etc.) 7/30/09 AV / WW4
Die Zombie Newspapers, Die ArtVoice(etc.) 4/28/09 AV
Pirates! ArtVoice 4/16/09 AV
Don't Drink the Electric Car Kool Aid ArtVoice 4/2/09 AV
Reboot America ArtVoice (etc.) 3/12/09 AV / WW4
The Plane Crash and the Pundit ArtVoice (etc.) 3/5/09 AV
Consumption ArtVoice 2/19/09 AV
The Truth ArtVoice 2/5/09 AV / HUM
Ponzi Capitalism ArtVoice 12/25/08 AV
Why the Republicans Hate the Auto Industry ArtVoice 12/11/08 AV
No You Can't: Gays, Gazans and Ghosts ArtVoice 12/4/08 AV
State of Stupidity: NY Can't Afford its Drug Prisons ArtVoice 11/27/08 AV
Class Warfare ArtVoice 11/20/08 AV
The Bullet We Dodged: How Close Did We Come to Martial Law? ArtVoice 11/13/08 AV
The Presidential Money Bowl ArtVoice 10/23/08 AV
Chumps & Champs: Socializing Risk for Casino Capitalists ArtVoice 10/2/08 AV
Idiots, idioms, and presidential elections in the Age of Republicans ArtVoice 9/18/08 AV
Four More Years of "Change" ArtVoice 9/11/08 AV
Like "Pain" But With an "L" ArtVoice (etc.) 9/3/08 AV
Georgia on My Mind ArtVoice (etc.) 8/21/08 AV
Nation of Idiots: Beavis and Butthead's Grandfather Runs for President ArtVoice (etc.) 8/14/08 AV
Weirdos Riot ArtVoice (etc.) 7/17/08 AV
Impeachment Before Election Theft ArtVoice (etc.) 6/19/08 AV
McCain and the Doomsday Mob: Cutting and Running ArtVoice (etc.) 5/29/08 AV
Reflections on Dandelions ArtVoice (etc.) 5/15/08 AV
Food Fight ArtVoice (etc.) 4/8/08 AV
Never Apologize to Goons and Thugs ArtVoice (etc.) 4/24/08 AV
After Bush: Truth and Reconcilliation ArtVoice (etc.) 4/17/08 AV
John McCain's Pastors ArtVoice (etc.) 3/27/08 AV
Spitzer ArtVoice 3/20/08
Want Change? Take it to the Streets! ArtVoice (etc.) 3/6/08 AV
Hillary W. Bush's War ArtVoice (etc.) 2/28/08 AV
935 Lies ArtVoice (etc.) 2/7/08 AV
Finishing in the Money ArtVoice (etc.) 1/24/08 AV
Plastic Poison: China's Neutering Toys ArtVoice (etc.) 12/13/07 AV
Shopping at the End of the World ArtVoice (etc.) 11/29/07 AV
Dreaming About Revolutions in an Age of Sweatshops ArtVoice (etc.) 11/21/07 AV
Zeitgeist Shift: Too Little Too Late ArtVoice (etc.) 11/7/07 AV / CTpdf
$hameless ArtVoice (etc.) 10/11/07 AV / Download the entire 71 page Nov. ColdType
It's Burma, Damn it! ArtVoice (etc. ) 10/4/07 AV
Would You Buy a Used War From This Man? Or How MoveOn.org Destroyed the US Senate. ArtVoice (etc.) 9/27/07 AV
Apocalypse Now: Was the Plan Always to Lose in Iraq? ArtVoice (etc.) 9/13/07 AV
Reaganomics: The Next Generation ArtVoice (etc.) 8/30/07 AV / Download the entire 64 page Oct ColdType
Carbon Culture: Partying Like There's no Tomorrow ArtVoice (etc.) 8/9/07AV / Download the entire 64 Page Sept. Coldtype
The Death of Brand America ArtVoice (etc.) 7/12/07 AV
Is There a Model T in Your Future? ArtVoice (etc.) 6/28/07 AV
Giuliani, Altar Boys & Weasels ArtVoice (etc.) 6/21/07 AV / Download the entire 68 page July Coldtype
If Only This Were a Dictatorship ArtVoice (etc.) 5/31/07 AV
Global Warming is Just the Symptom ArtVoice (etc.) 5/3/07 AV
Know Nukes ArtVoice (etc.) 4/12/07 AV
Is Bush Backing Al Qaeda? ArtVoice (etc.) 3/15/07 AV
Imagine! Imagine We Had a Different President in 2001 ArtVoice (etc.) 2/15/07 AV
Bottled Insanity: The Problem With Fiji Water ArtVoice (etc.) 2/8/07 AV
Who'll Stop the War? ArtVoice (etc.) 2/1/07 AV
My Shopping Orgy ArtVoice (etc.) 12/21/06 AV
Drinking the Mercury: We Just Can't Help Ourselves ArtVoice (etc.) 12/7/06 AV
A Draft in the Air: War and Social Class ArtVoice(etc.) 11/30/06 AV
January Surprise ArtVoice (etc.)11/22/06 AV
Sandinista Redux ArtVoice (etc.)11/16/06 AV
Not a Democracy ArtVoice (etc.) 11/9/06 AV
Habeas Fascismus ArtVoice (etc.) 10/5/06 AV
Nuclear Winter ArtVoice (etc.) 9/28/06 AV
Anti-Indian Racism in New York's Anti Casino Movement Indian Country Today (9/22/06)
Violent War Abroad Breeds Violence at Home Sunday Times (South Africa) 9/17/06
The Path to Reelection: Disney Propudrama Stumps for Republican Congress 9/14/06 AV edit
Summer of Hate: Our Wars Come Home to Roost ArtVoice (etc.) 9/6/06 AV
On Racism: Will Our Indian Wars Ever End? Syndicated 7/27/06
Petrotreason: Bush, The Saudis, Venezuela and the Price of Oil ArtVoice (etc.) 7/13/06 AV / AVpdf
Not Quite Jihad: The Miami Cell ArtVoice (etc.) 6/29/06 AV / AVpdf
Outlawing the Wind: Oil Republicans Move to Thwart Renewable Energy ArtVoice (etc.) 6/22/06 AV / AVpdf
Anti-Casino or Anti-Indian? ArtVoice (etc.) 6/15/06 AV / AVpdf
Why the U.S. Won't Invade Iran - Manchurian Presidency: Part Two ArtVoice (etc.) 5/18/06 AV / AVpdf
Nuking the Dollar ArtVoice (etc.) 5/11/06 AV / AVpdf
The Manchurian Presidency -- Part One: A Chimp Could Do Better ArtVoice (etc.) 5/4/06 AV / AVpdf
Democracy's Northward March: Is El Norte the Last Domino to Fall? ArtVoice 4/6/06 AV / AVpdf / CT
Chuck E. Cheese On The Front Lines ArtVoice 3/16/06 AV / CT
Keeping Kids Stupid: The Intellectual Lynching of Jay Bennish ArtVoice (etc.) 3/9/06 AV / AVpdf / CT
The Fashion Police ArtVoice 3-2-06 AV / CT
Electoral Mischief and the Bewildered Herd ArtVoice (etc.) 2-16-06 AV
Parboiled People ArtVoice (etc.) 2-9-06 AV
An Interesting Scary Year ArtVoice (etc.) 12-22-05 AV
Arnie & Tookie 12/18/05
Yes, We Murder Journalists: Part Three in a Troubling Series ArtVoice (etc.) 12-8-05 [pdf]
A Republican Thanksgiving: We're the Turkeys ArtVoice (etc.) 12/1/05 [pdf]
Katrina's America: Failure, Racism and Profiteering The Humanist, November/December 2005
Who Killed Pat Tillman? ArtVoice (etc.) 11/10/05 AV
Avian Fascism ArtVoice (etc.) 10/27/05
The Hate Group Next Door 10/20/05. Also see local Buffalo edit or ArtVoice edit.
Peace Trumps War 1000:1 ArtVoice (etc.) 9/29/05
Download the Three Articles Below as One 22 Page Pdf Pamphlet from Coldtype
Worshiping Demons and Looting the Katrina Cash Cow ArtVoice (etc.) 9/22/05
More Katrina Shame ArtVoice (etc.) 9/15/05
Not a Natural Disaster: Ethnic Cleansing in Louisiana Syndicated 9/6/05 ArtVoice Version 9/8/05 or [pdf]
I Raq and Roll Into Fascism: Donald Rumsfeld's 9/11 Follies ArtVoice (etc.) 8/25/05
Cindy Sheehan's Revolution ArtVoice (etc.) 8/18/05
Beyond Impeachment: Applying the War Crimes Act of 1996 ArtVoice (etc.) 7/14/05
We Kill Journalists: Part Two in an Unfortunately Continuing Series Coldtype (etc.) 7/7/05, ArtVoice 7/21/05
It's a Grand Old Flag ArtVoice (etc.) 6/30/05
While the Giant's Distracted: With the US Bogged Down in Iraq, Democratic Socialism is Sweeping Latin America ArtVoice (etc.) 6/23/05
Bush's Brave New Judiciary ArtVoice (etc.) 6/2/05
Extreme Hypocrisy: The Sex Lives of Republicans ArtVoice (etc.) 5/26/05
Wal-Mart: The Full Story ArtVoice (etc.) 5-12-05
Terrorists at the Helm: Suppressing Terror Reports and Appointing Terrorists
ArtVoice (etc.) 4-28-05
Judges in the Crosshairs: The Republican Assault on the Judiciary ArtVoice (etc.) 4-14-05
A Culture of Life? ArtVoice (etc.) 4-7-05
Welcome to Year Three of our Two Week War -- Follow the Money! ArtVoice (etc.) 3-24-05
We Kill Journalists -- Don't We? ArtVoice (etc.) 3-3-05
The Skinny on Social Security ArtVoice (etc.) 2-10-05
The Salvador Option: Exploring the Depths of the Bush Administration's Moral Depravity ArtVoice (etc.) 2-3-05
Media Whores & Propaganda: From Armstrong Williams to the New York Times ArtVoice (etc.) 1-20-05
The Political Tsunami: Not All Death and Destruction is Natural Alternet 1-14-05 / ArtVoice
Good News, Bad News and More of the Same Old News ArtVoice (etc.) 1-6-05
None Dare Call it Fraud - But There's a Fetid Stench Coming From Ohio ArtVoice (etc.) 12-23-04
Those Wacky Republicans: First They Came for the Gay Folks ArtVoice (etc.) 12-16-04
Vroom! Tell Satan Clause You Want an SUV - Or Why Wal Mart Took a Dive ArtVoice (etc.)12-9-04
A Tale of Two Elections: What We Can Learn From the Ukraine ArtVoice (etc.) 12/2/04
Bombing Our Way to Hell: The Terrorism CNN Ignored ArtVoice (etc.) 11/25/04
George W. Bush & The End of Conservatism ArtVoice (etc.) 11/18/04, The Humanist Jan/Feb 2005
Election 2004: What Happened ArtVoice (etc.) 11/11/04
The Bush Strategy: Ignorance & Disenfranchisement - Rigging the 2004 Vote ArtVoice (etc.)10/28/04
From Debates to Disinfomercials ArtVoice 10/21/04
Delusional & Aggressive: Bush vs. Kerry Round Two ArtVoice (etc.)10/14/04
Fraud Week: Fraudulent Prime Ministers, Documents and Polls ArtVoice (etc.) 9/30/04
The al Qaida Utopia -- Is it Unstoppable? (The Cornell Lecture) Coldtype 9/18/04
Bizarre and Surreal: The New Face of Fascism at the GOP Convention Coldtype (etc.) 9/9/04
Caging Dissent: The Republicans are Coming ArtVoice (etc.) 8/12/04
Democrats and Democracy: Caging Free Speech ArtVoice (etc.) 8/5/04
Did Iran Play America? ArtVoice (etc.) 7/29/04
Fahrenheit 9/11 Sets American Politics Ablaze, ArtVoice (etc.) 7/15/04
Will There Be a Presidential Election?, ArtVoice (etc.) 7/8/04
Thoughts on Torture and a Letter From Iraq, ArtVoice (etc.) 7/1/04
Reagan to Rot in Hell, Coldtype 6/24/04
Our Nasty Racist Little War in Haiti, ArtVoice (etc.) 6/10/04
America's Forgotten POW, ArtVoice (etc.)6/3/04
Strange Fruit in Abu Ghraib: The Privatization of Torture, Coldtype (etc.) 5/13/04, The Humanist July/Aug 2004.
America's Most Dangerous Woman: Amy Goodman -- The Heartbeat Behind Freedom of the Press, ArtVoice(etc.) 5/6/04
Operation Vigilant Resolve Ignites Hellfire in Iraq:
While Condi Rice Makes Nice With the Warren, I mean, 9/11 Commission ArtVoice (etc.) 4/15/04
Watch Venezuela: It's Still Open Season on Democracy ArtVoice (etc.) 4/8/04
Fatigue & The Ongoing American Coup ArtVoice(etc.) 4/1/04
One Year Later ArtVoice (etc.) 3/25/04
Martha: America Gets Tough With Martha Stewart. ArtVoice(etc.) 3/18/04
Strikes Out in Haiti ArtVoice(etc.) 3/11/04
Teachers, Mel Gibson’s Nazi Dad, George Bush’s Crusade Against [Gay] Marriage
and the Tragedy of Haiti. ArtVoice(etc.), 3/4/04
First Blood ArtVoice February 26th, 2004, 3/9/04
You Buy Sneakers from an Anti-Semite? ArtVoice(etc.) 2/19/04
10 Worst Corporations of 2003 ArtVoice(etc.) 2/5/04
Tales From the Crypt ArtVoice(etc.) 1/29/04
Celebrates Martin Luther King's Birthday (on Mars) ArtVoice(etc.),
Jolly Side of Disaster ArtVoice(etc.) 1/8/04
Saddam: Have a Very Saddam Christmas! ArtVoice(etc.) 12/24/03
History One Digital Archive at a Time ArtVoice (etc.)12/11/03
Lackawanna Six and Rambo III ArtVoice(etc.) 12/18/03, The Humanist
March/April 2004
Brave New World of Voting: The Science of Vote Rigging... ArtVoice(etc.) 10/30/03, The Humanist Jan/Feb 2004.
Dreaming on the Eve of Termination ArtVoice(etc.) 10/16/03.
Haudenosaunee War and the Thirtieth Anniversary of 9/11 ArtVoice
in the House: The Little Man Behind the Curtain of Fascism ArtVoice
(etc.) 9/11/ 03
on Tour -- Demon From Hell Road Show to Hit Buffalo ArtVoice
(etc.) 9/4/ 03
New American Coup ArtVoice (etc.) 8/28/03
the Lights Went Out ArtVoice(etc.) 8/21/03, The Humanist Nov/Dec
in Afghanistan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia ArtVoice (etc.) 8/14/03
our Troops or Make a Killing; Poison and Profit in Gulf War II ArtVoice
(etc.) 7/31/03
UnCooling of Corporate America -- A New Global Boycott Targets Corporate Chic
ArtVoice (etc.) 7/24/03
our Lawns; Our Weird Culture-Bound Syndrome is Killing Us ArtVoice
(etc.) 6/5/03
Toxic Moments Alternet May 29th, 2003
the 9/11 Report ArtVoice (etc.)May 22nd, 2003
Douglass, Jay Leno and Private Jessica Lynch: How Low Can Corp. Media Sink? ArtVoice
(etc.)May 15th, 2003
Bush Family and Fundamentalist Islam ArtVoice (etc.)May 1, 2003
We Were Distracted . . . ArtVoice (etc.)April 24th, 2003
Reality: Image Warfare in Iraq ArtVoice (etc.)April 17th, 2003
Tell Me Again What This War is All About? ArtVoice (etc.)April 10th, 2003
the War: Lessons in Propaganda ArtVoice (etc.)April 3rd, 2003
Your Mind ArtVoice (etc.)March 27th, 2003
the Peace: Creepy "FReepers" Target Peace Activists ArtVoice
(etc.)March 13th, 2003
Than Fiction: The Duct Tape Magnate, Rumsfeld's Pygmies, etc. ArtVoice
(etc.)March 6th, 2003
Dissent ArtVoice(etc.)February 27, 2003.
New Global Movement Means Code Orange for Bush and Blair ArtVoice(etc.),
February 20th, 2003
Plagiarism, Taxes and War ArtVoice(etc.), February 13th, 2003
on the Hudson: Let the Blitzkrieg Begin? ArtVoice(etc.), February 6th, 2003
The US Won't Go to War With North Korea ArtVoice(etc.), January 16th,
and Corporate America ArtVoice(etc.), January 9th, 2003
Journalism Murdered: Wellstone Part II. ArtVoice, December 26th, 2002.
Back. This is a Joke. Right? ArtVoice, December 12th, 2002.
Sense of a Bad Election. ArtVoice, November 21, 2002.
Our Own Demons: America's Wars are Often Against Enemies We Create. ArtVoice
Paul Wellstone Murdered? Alternet 10/28/01
to Andrew Sullivan's Salon.com Attack Against Article Listed Above. 10/31/02
From the Rubble: Salvaging Journalism in Post 9-11America - ArtVoice 10/17/02
News is Our News - ArtVoice 10/3/02
The Buffalo, NY Terrorist Cell For Real? - Alternet 9/16/02
in Ashcroft's America - ArtVoice 9/12/02
Wacky Bush Boys - Jeb Appoints Judge With Terrorist Connections - ArtVoice8/22/02
in the Henhouse - Bush "Gets Tough" on Corporate Crime - ArtVoice
Detention - And Other Tales Form the New America - ArtVoice 7/18/02
Bush Know? - ArtVoice 6/13/02
Cuba Evil? - ArtVoice 5/23/02
Cuba: La Vida Nike - Alternet 5/14/02
and Venezuela: The Coup That Went South - ArtVoice 5/9/02
Tale of Two Rallies - ArtVoice 5/2/02
War or End of War - ArtVoice 4/25/02
in the Holy Land - ArtVoice 4/11/02
Turnoff Week: Kicking the TV Habit - Alternet 4/2/02
Religion ("Faith Based" American Theocracy) - ArtVoice
House of Evil - Part
One, ArtVoice 2/28/02,
Two, ArtVoice 3/7/02
For Dummies - High
Times On Line 2/13/02, ArtVoice 2,7,02
Olympic Flame, Harry Potter and Coke, ArtVoice 1/17/02
Activities, High Times 1/17/02, ArtVoice 1/10/02.
Conspiracy Tales: This Much We Know to be True... , ArtVoice 12/20/01,
The Humanist, March/April 2002
Terrorism: The New Nuclear Nightmare, HighTimes.com,
ArtVoice 12/5/01
Shopping Vs. Buy Nothing Day, Alternet, 11/12/01
Taxes, Nazis, and Spooks.
of Greed and Intrigue from the War Front,
ArtVoice 11/8/01
Revolutionary Women, ArtVoice 11/1/01
Stupidity - The Just War, ArtVoice, 10/25/01
Speech - Use it or Lose It!, ArtVoice, 10/18/01
About War - A Treatise 9/30/01
Seattle to Buffalo - It's a Rough Year for Corporate Globalization, Buffalo
Beat, 3/8/01
League; Anatomy of a Coup, Buffalo Beat, January 11th, 2001
Night of the Living Dead Voters (Commentary), Buffalo Beat, March 1, 2001
Incarceration Nation; The US it the World's Leading Jailer, Buffalo Beat, 1/04/01
Fever Revitalizes Cuba, The Buffalo News, Sunday April 30th, 2000
Cuba Features, Blue Dog Press,
With The Enemy"
Incarceration Nation, Buffalo Beat, January 4th, 2000
to Save the World; Life and Times at the Farm, High Times, February
Cousin Calls Election for Networks AlterNet, December 14th, 2000
WTO Primer, Buffalo Beat, December 7th, 2000
African American Men Denied Right to Vote in Florida Presidential Election, The
Challenger, 11/15/00
Geographic's Disneyesque Guatemala; Genocide With a Smiling Face, Guatemala
Scholar's Network News, December 1989
Resolution in Popular Culture; What Do the Examples Teach Us, International
Conference on Violence in the Media 1995 (coauthored with Bob Dentan)
Government Uses Paddler Magazine for P.R., Paddler (Letter to the
Editor) October 1996
Recently Published Scholarship / Book Chapters
BOOK CHAPTER (2015):Service Learning: The SUNY Buffalo State / Project Censored Partnership. In Censored 2015, edited by Andy LeeRoth and Mickey Huff with Project Censored. New York / London / Toronto: 7 Stories Press.
JOURNAL ARTICLE (2011) The Shanti Sena 'Peace Center' and the Non-Policing of an Anarchist Temporary
Autonomous Zone: Rainbow Family Peacekeeping Strategies. In Contemporary Justice Review, 14: 1, 65 — 76
BOOK CHAPTER (2010) : You Can’t Be Nonviolent Without Violence: The Rainbow Family’s Nonkilling Nomadic Utopia and its Survival of Persistent State Violence . In Nonkilling Societies, edited by Joám Evans Pim. Honolulu: Center for Global Nonkilling.
BOOK CHAPTER (2010): The Political Tsunami: Not all Death and Destruction is Natural . In Tsunami Communication: Interpersonal/Intercultural, Mass Media, and Philanthropic Responses; Historical, Technical, Ethical and Development Communication, edited by Linda K. Fuller. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton.
BOOK CHAPTER (2010): Die Zombie Newspapers Die . [Intro to Main Body] In Censored 2010, edited by Peter Phillips and Andrew Roth with Project Censored. New York / London / Toronto: 7 Stories Press.
BOOK CHAPTER (2007): Racism and New York’s Anti-Indian Casino Movement . In Shoot the Indian: Media, Misperception & Native Truth, edited by Kara Briggs. Buffalo: American Indian Policy and Media Initiative
Republicans Summon Ghost of Antoine Thompson -The Public 10/28/15
Ugly People and Their Fences -ArtVoice 7/23/15
Orange is the New Red: How Mark Grisanti and Chris Collins Favor Madness over Math - ArtVoice 2/27/14
Grisanti Takes Cue From Romney / Gingrich / Santorum Playbook ArtVoice 8/16/12 AV
Been to a Park Lately? (Taxes and Summer in Buffalo) ArtVoice 7/28/11
The Plane Crash and the Pundit ArtVoice (etc.) 3/5/09 AV
Casinos, Canadians and Indians ArtVoice 4/13/06 AV / pdf
On Liberal Racism: The Coop & The Hate Group Part Two 11/14/05
The Coop & The Hate Group ArtVoice 10/20/05. Also see national edit or AV
New Yorkers Demand Paper Ballots ArtVoice 3/10/05
Collapse of a County ArtVoice 2/14/05
I've Been to Bass Pro ArtVoice 7/22/04
Response to the Buffalo News' Matt Spina - Open Letter to Buffalo News Reporter 5/29/04 (critiqued News Article Also Posted Here)
Critical Massacre -One Year Later: Biking in Buffalo Part IV ArtVoice 5/27/04
Hypocrisy and Racism at the New Buffalo News: Dissin' the Senecas ArtVoice 5/20/04, Indian Country Today 6/ /04
Bush in Buffalo -- From Lie to Shining Lie ArtVoice 4/29/04
Buffalo News Spins
the Bicycle Trial: What Part of Not Guilty Don't They Understand? 12/3/03
Now! Coming To Buffalo: Confronting Public Radio Censorship ArtVoice
Journalism - Photography With Intent to Write: Biking in Buffalo Part III ArtVoice
The Power of Nonviolence: Biking in Buffalo Part II ArtVoice 6/12/03
in Buffalo ArtVoice 5/7/03
Buffalo News Spins a War ArtVoice 3/20/03
Reasons Not to Trust The Buffalo News ArtVoice 1/30/03
in Buffalo ArtVoice 1/23/03
the Prison of Ignorance: An Alternative Media X-Mas. ArtVoice,
Franczyk, Racism and a Divided Council (Doomsday in Buffalo Part III) - ArtVoice
Juneteenth: What's Wrong With the Buffalo News - ArtVoice 6/27/02
Mass: Buffalo's Bicyclists Take the Streets - ArtVoice 6/20/02
in Buffalo Part II - ArtVoice 5/16/02
Fools and a Golden Arch - City Council Supports Anti-Abortion Shrine 13 -
Zip, ArtVoice 4/18/02
K-Mart - Corporate Welfare in a Dying City, ArtVoice 3/21/02
Evacuation Routes - And why are we evacuating? ArtVoice 2/14/02
in Buffalo - Masiello, Giambra, Bankruptcy and Kleptocracy, ArtVoice
Ignores Living Wage Ordinance - May Be Liable for Millions in Back Pay, Buffalo
Beat 3/8/01
Big Blue Dumpster - Blue Dog Press, 3/22/01. "Americans are
Pigs," the "Recyclarama," "Crazy Gringo Tales."
Eagle Article Echoes Nazi Anti-Semitism, - Sad but True! The Buffalo News, 10/6/98
Span! Rethinking the Peace Bridge Debate, Buffalo Beat, December
21, 2000
The War Tapes - ArtVoice 8/3/06
An Inconvenient Movie: Al Gore Reloaded ArtVoice (etc.) 6/9/06 AV / AVpdf
Why We Fight - ArtVoice 3/2/06 AV
Fahrenheit 9/11 Sets American Politics Ablaze, ArtVoice (etc.) 7/15/04
of Mike's 2000-01 Blue Dog Press Columns Not Those Blue Dogs.
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