Media Criticism Books
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Alternative Media & Public Broadcasting
Consumerism / Branding
Culture Jamming
Gender / Sexism
Globalization / Corp. Politics
Media Deconstruction & Criticism
Media Ownership / Monopoly
Media History
Photography & Photojournalism
Politics & Cultural Criticism
Propaganda Studies / Public Relations
Racism / Ethnicity / Xenophobia
Texts - Recommended Mass Media Text
Visual Communication
Arguments for the Elimination of Television, by Jerry Mander, 1977 Quill
the Absence of the Sacred, by Jerry Mander, 1991, Sierra Club Books.
Smoke and Mirrors:
Violence, Television, and Other American Cultures. by John
Leonard. The New Press.
World, Small Screen; The Role of Television in American Society, Huston et
al., 1992, Univ of Nebraska Press.
Nation Under Television, by J. Fred MacDonald, 1990, Pantheon Press.
and Human Behavior, by George Comstock et al., 1978 Columbia.
Television, by Todd Gitlin, Pantheon.
Age of Missing Information, by Bill McKibben, 1992, Random House.
Coverage; Television News, The Anti-Cocaine Crusade and the Reagan Legacy,
Jimmie L. Reeves and Richard Campbell, 1994, Duke University Press.
On Television,
by Pierre Bourdieu (France), 1999, New Press (English Translation).
The More Your
Watch the Less You Know, by Danny Schechter, 1997, 7 Stories Press.
Prime Time
Society: An Anthropological Analysis of Television and Culture, by
Conrad Phillip Kottak, 1990, Wadworth.
On Television
and Journalism by Pierre Bourdieu 1998
Jam, The Uncooling of America, by Kalle Lasn, 1999, Morrow.
Meme Wars: The Creative Destruction of Neoclassical Economics, by Kalle Lasn, 2012 7 Stories
Press. Buy from 7 Stories
Magazine, Subscribe
(music on CD)
/ Emergency Broadcast Network (music on CD)
Jamming the
Media - A Citizen's Guide - Reclaiming the Tools of Communication, by
Gareth Bronmyn, 1997, Chronicle Books.
Who Owns The Media?
Global Trends and Local Resistance,
Edited by Pradip N. Thomas and Zaharom Nain
New Media Monopoly (7th Edition), Ben Bagdikian, 2004, Beacon Press.
of Power, by Dennis W. Mazzocco, 1994, South End Press.
Crises; What Conglomerate Control of the Media Means for America and the World,
Edited by George Gerbner, Herbert Schiller and Hamid Mowlana, 1996, Westview
Consent; The Political Economy of the Mass Media, by Noam Chomsky and Edward
S. Herman, 1988, Pantheon
and the Media Patricia Aufderheide et al. New Press
The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media by Peter Steven, 2004, Between the Lines.
Communication and the American Empire (2nd Edition), by Herbert
Schiller, 1992, Westview.
the Global and The Local; Globalization and Cultural Studies, Edited by Ann
Cvetkovich and Doug Kellner, 1997, Westview
Global News; A Critical Introduction, by Japp van Ginneken, 1998, Sage
Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, by Richard Robbins, 2002 (2nd
ed) Allyn & Bacon.
Global Media; The New Missionaries of Corporate Capitalism, by Edward S.
Herman and Robert W. McChesney, 1997, Cassell.
and the Information Age; The Political Economy of the Global Communication Revolution,
Robert McChesney, Ellen Meikins Wood and John Bellamy Foster, 1997, Monthly Review Press.
World, Ready or Not by William Greider, 1997, Touchstone.
Corporations Rule the World, by David Korten, 1996, Kumarian Press.
Case Against the Global Economy, Edited by Jerry Mander, 1996 Sierra Club.
Are Gonna Get Your Mama: Globalization
and the Downsizing of the American Dream, by Edited by Kevin
Danaher 1997
Us Blind: The Return of the Bush Gang and the Mugging of America by
Steve Brouwer, 2003
NO LOGO: Money,
Marketing and the Growing Anti-Corporate Movement, by Naomi Klein, 1999,
Picador USA.
Madness; A Survival Guide for a Consumer Society, by Michael F. Jacobson and
Laurie Ann Mazur, 1995, Westview.
The Consumer
Society Reader, edited by Juliet Schor & Douglas B. Holt, 2000, The
New Press.
Culture and TV Programming, by Robin Anderson, 1995, Westview.
The Corporate Construction of Childhood, Shirley R. Steinberg, Joe Kincheloe
et al., 1997, Westview Press.
Overspent American, Upscaling, Downshifting & The New Consumer, by Juliet
B. Schor, 1998, Basic Books.
Americans Shop Too Much?, by Juliet B. Schor, 2000 Beacon.
Credit Card
Nation by Robert Manning. 2000, Basic Books.
Affluenza: The All
Consuming Epidemic by John De Graff & David Wann (2001) Berrett-Koehler
An All Consuming
Century: Why Commercialism Won in America by Gary Cross (2000). Columbia Univ. Press.
Ads, Fads & Consumer Culture (2nd Edition), by Arthur Asa Berger 2004
Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel by Jean Kilbourne, 2000, Touchstone.
The Erotic History of Advertising by Thomas Reichert, 2003,
Prometheus Books
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Banned in Arizona Schools), by Paulo Freire
The Possessive Investment in Whiteness, by George Lipsitz, 2006, Temple.
The Heart of Whiteness: Confronting Race, Racism and White Privilege, by Robert Jensen, Rutgers Univ. Press, 2005.
Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial in the Age of Obama , Tim Wise, City Lights, 2009
Diversity and the US Media, Edited by Yahya Kamalipour and Theresa Carilli,
SUNY Press 1998
Film/White Money, by Jesse A. Rhines, 1996, Rutgers Univ. Press.
Gender, Race and Class in Media 2nd Edition , Edited by Gail Dines and Jean Humez, 2003, Sage
Islam; How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World,
by Edward W, Said, 1981, Pantheon.
and the Ad; Exploring Otherness in the World of Advertising, By William M.
O'Barr, 1994, Westview.
Myth and the News, by Christopher P. Campbell, 1995, Sage.
of the Master Race, Literature, Cinima & the Colonization of American Indians,
by Ward Churchill, 1992, Common Courage Press
Within the Veil;
Black Journalists, White Media, by Pamela Newkirk, 2000, NYU Press.
Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity , by Robert Jensen, 2007, South End Press
Pornified: How Pornography is Damaging our Lives, our Relationships and our Families , by Pamela Paul, 2006, Holt
The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women by Naomi Wolf, Harper, 2002
Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women , by Susan Faludi, Three Rivers, 2006
Real Majority, Media Minority; the Costs of Sidelining Women in Reporting, by Laura Flanders, 1998, Common Courage Press.
The Gender Communication Connection (textbook) by Teri K. Gamble, 2003
Where the Girls Are; Growing Up Female with the Mass Media, by Susan J. Douglas,1994, Times Books.
Gender, Race and Class in Media 2nd Edition , Edited by Gail Dines and Jean Humez, 2003, Sage
Pornography, Feminism and the Individual, by Alison Assiter, 1989
With Other Eyes: Looking at Race and Gender in Visual Culture edited by Lisa Bloom
Shaded Lives: African-American Women and Television edited by Beretta E. Smith-Shomade
Sexing the Groove: Popular Music and Gender edited by Sheila Whiteley
Media Wars: News in a Time of Terror by Danny Schechner, 2003, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Tragedy & Farce: How the American Media Sell Wars, Spin Elections and Destroy Democracy by John Nichols and Robert McChesney w/ illustrations by Tom Tomorrow.
of Mass Deception: The Uses of
Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq, by Sheldon
Rampton, John C. Stauber 2003,
Me Lies: Propaganda and Media Distortion in the Attack on Iraq, edited
by David Miller, 2004, Pluto
Information War: American Propaganda, Free Speech, and Opinion Control Since 9/11 by Nancy Snow, 2004, 7 Stories Press
Propaganda, by Edward Bernays, Ig.
Propaganda & Persuasion (3rd edition) by Garth Jowett, 1999 Sage
War, Media and Propaganda: A Global Perspective edited by Kamalipour and Snow, 2004, Rowman & Littlefield
Bring 'Em On: Media and Politics in the Iraq War edited by Lee Artz, 2005, Rowman & Littlefield
Munitions of the Mind: A History of Propaganda, by Philip Taylor, 2003,Manchester
Slanting the
Story: The Forces that Shape the News. by Trudy Lieberman. The New Press.
Toxic Sludge
is Good For You, Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry, by John
Stauber and Sheldon Rampton, 1995, Common Courage Press.
Trust Us,
We're Experts, by John
Stauber and Sheldon Rampton, 2000, J.P. Tarcher.
Age of Propaganda:
The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion, by Anthony Pratkanis and
Elliot Aronson, 2000, W.H. Freeman Publishing
Propaganda and
the Public Mind: Interviews With Noam Chomsky, by David Barsamian, 2001,
South End Press
A Social History of Spin, by Stuart Ewen, 1996 Basic Books.
The Father of Spin: Edward Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations by Larry Tye, 1998, Owl
Media Mythmakers: How Journalists, Activists, and Advertisers Mislead Us by
Benjamin Radford , 2003,
Prometheus Books
of the Image; The Media's War in the Persian Gulf, Hamid Mowlana, George
Gerbner and Herbert Schiller, 1992, Westview.
Reality(2nd edition), by Michael Parenti, 1993, St. Martins Press.
Mind Managers, by Herbert Schiller, 1973, Beacon.
Illusions; Thought Control in Democratic Socieities, by Noam Chomsky, 1989,
South End Press.
of Media Oz; Behind the Curtain of Manistream News, by Normon Solomon and
Jeff Cohen, 1997, Common Courage Press.
from FAIR
Hypocrisy; Decoding the News in an Age of Propaganda, by Edward S. Herman,
South End Press.
Power and Ideology; The Managua Lectures, by Noam Chomsky, 1987, South End
Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda 2nd Edition (Open Media Series), by Noam Chomsky, 2002, 7 Stories Press
of Seeing by John Berger, BBC/Penguin 1972
Culture Reader Edited by Nicholas Mirzoeff, Routledge 1998
The Rise of
the Image; The Fall of the World, by Mitchell Stephens, 1998, Oxford,
Literacy: Image, Mind and Reality, by Paul Messaris, 1994, Westview
Visual and Other
Pleasures, by Laura Mulvey, 1989, Indiana.
Society of the
Spectacle, by Guy Debord, 1983, Black and Red Publishers. No
ISBN. Good Luck Finding It.
Phototruth or
Photofiction? Ethics and Media Imagry in the Digital Age, by
Thomas Wheeler, 2002, Erlbaum.
The Creation of the Media: Political Origins of Modern Communications by Paul Starr, 2005, Basic Books
The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics in the 21st Century by Robert McChesney, 2004, Monthly Review Press
Lost History:Contras, Cocaine, The Press and Project Truth by Robert Parry, 1999, Media Consortium
Stories that Changed America : Muckrakers of the 20th Century by Robert Jenson, 2002, 7 Stories
Making the Future Occupations, Interventions, Empire and Resistancee, by Noam Chomsky, 2012, City Lights Buy From City Lights
Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free by Charles Pierce, 2009, Doubleday.
Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle by Chris Hedges, 2009, Nation Books.
The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot by Naomi Wolf, Chelsea Green, 2007
Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, by William Blum, 2000, Common Courage.
Alternative and Activist New Media (Digital Media & Society Series), by Leah Lievrouw, 2011 Polity
People's Movements People's Press: The Journalism of Social Justice Movements, by Bob Ostertag, 2006m Beacon
Smoking Typewriters: The Sixties Underground Press and the Rise of Alternative Media in America, by John McMillian, 2011 Oxford.
Friends, Followers and the Future, by Rory O'Connor, 2012 City Lights. Buy from City Lights
Re:Imaginging Change, by Patrick Reinsborough & D. Canning, 2011 PM
Meme Wars: The Creative Destruction of Neoclassical Economics, by Kalle Lasn, 2012 7 Stories
Press. Buy from 7 Stories
Arguing for Our Lives A User's Guide to Constructive Dialog by Robert Jensen , 2012 City Lights. Buy from City Lights
Wars: The Fight to Reclaim Public Broadcasting, by Jerold Starr, 2000 Beacon
Radio: The Rise of an Alternative Network, by Matthew Lasar, 2000, Temple
Univ. Press.
Made Possible
By... The Death of Public Broadcasting in the United States, by
James Ledbetter, 1997, Verso.
Censored 2013: The Top 25Censored Stories, by Peter Phillips & Project Censored, 2012, Seven Stories.Buy from 7 Stories
Censored 2012: The Top 25Censored Stories, by Peter Phillips & Project Censored, 2011, Seven Stories.Buy from 7 Stories
Censored 2011: The Top 25Censored Stories, by Peter Phillips & Project Censored, 2010, Seven Stories.Buy from 7 Stories
Censored 2010: The Top 25Censored Stories, by Peter Phillips & Project Censored, 2009, Seven Stories.Buy from 7 Storiesincludes section by Mike.
Censored 2009: The Top 25Censored Stories, by Peter Phillips & Project Censored, 2008, Seven Stories.Buy from 7 Stories
Censored 2008: The Top 25Censored Stories, by Peter Phillips & Project Censored, 2007, Seven Stories.Buy from 7 Stories
Censored 2007: The Top 25Censored Stories, by Peter Phillips & Project Censored, 2006, Seven Stories.
Censored 2006: The Top 25Censored Stories, by Peter Phillips & Project Censored, 2005, Seven Stories.
Censored 2005: The Top 25Censored Stories, by Peter Phillips & Project Censored, 2004, Seven Stories.
Censored 2004:
The Top 25Censored Stories, by Peter Phillips & Project Censored,
2003, Seven Stories.
Dark Days in the Newsroom: McCarthyism and the Press , by Edward Alwood, 2007, Temple Univ. Press
Into the Buzzsaw:
Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press ,
Edited by Kristina Borjesson
Foreword by Gore Vidal, 2002, Prometheus Books
Embedded: Weapons of Mass Destruction -
How the Media Failed to Cover the War on Iraq, by Danny Schechter, 2003,
Prometheus Books
Stories That Changed America: Muckrakers of the 20th Century,
Edited by Carl Jenson, Seven Stories.
from FAIR
After September 11, edited by Barbie Zelizer and Stuart Allan,
2002, Routledge.
Double Vision;
Reflections on My Heritage, Life and Profession, by Ben Bagdikian, 1995,
The Reporter's
Handbook: An Investigator's Guide to Documents and Techniques, by Steve
Weinberg, Bedford St. Martin, 1996.
The Business of
Journalism: Ten Leading Reporters and Editors on the Perils and Pitfalls of the
Press. Edited by William Serrin. The New Press.
Journalism; The Assault on Your Need to Know, by Arthur E. Rowse, 2000,
Common Courage.
The Journalism that Changed America, edited by Judith Serrin. The
New Press.
Muckraking; How to Investigate and Right Wrongs in Your Community, by
The Center for Public Integrity, 2000, Common Courage Press.
The Business of
Journalism -- 10 Leading Reporters & Editors on the Perils and Pitfalls of
the Press, Edited by William Serrin, 2000, New Press.
Unembedded: Four Independent Photojournalists on the War in Iraq by Thorne Anderson et al.
Propaganda and Persuasion (4th Edition) by Garth Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell, 2006, Sage.
the Media; A Citizen's Guide to Fighting for Media Democracy, Edited by
Don Hazen and Julie Winokur, The New Press 1997.
and Society: A Critical Reader, by Arthur Asa Berger, 2003
2nd Edition, by David Croteau & William Hoynes, Pine Forge Press 2002 .
to Mass Communication; Media Literacy & Culture, by Stanley J. Baran,
Mayfield 2003
Good book but too pricy -- a real rip-off.
in Mass Coomunication; Media Literacy & Culture, Edited by Kimberly B.
Massey, Mayfield 1999
& Culture; An Introduction to Mass Communication 4th Edition, by Richard
Campbell, Bedford St. Martins 2004
Good book but too pricy -- a real rip-off.
Media Studies Reader, Editd by Tim O'Sullivan & Yvonne Jewkes, Arnold
(UK) 1997.
The Culture of Make Beleive by Derrick Jensen, 2002, Chelsea Green
Running on Empty: The Pathology of Civilization by John Zerzan, 2008, Feral House
Against Civilization: Readings and Reflections by John Zerzan, 2005, Feral House
Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilzation by Derrick Jensen, 2006, 7 Stories
Utopian Legacies: A History of Conquest & Oppression in the Western World by John Mohawk, 1999, Clear Light
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Peter Kropotkin, 1902 (2009), Cosimo Classics
Utopian Legacies; A History of Conquest and Oppression in the Western World, by John C. Mohawk, 2000, Clear Light..
People of the Rainbow; A Nomadic Utopia (2nd Edition), Michael
I. Niman, 2011, University of Tennessee Press. My Book! Written by Me.
"Here our
Culture is Hard" Stories of Domestic Violence from a Mayan Community in
Belize, by Laura J. McClusky, 2001, University of Texas Press.
Homage to
Chiapas; The New Indigenous Struggles in Mexico, by Bill Weinberg
(Pogo), 2000, Verso.
One Less Car: Bicycling and the Politics of Automobility by Zack Furness, 2010, Temple Univ.
Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser, 2001, Houghton Mifflin.
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