Media Follies 
Weekly Blue Dog Press Column 

July 26, 2001 - Buffalo News Puts Hit on Pigeon, Kissenger Flees

July 19th, 2001 - A Nickel of Dioxin, Northern Lights

July 12, 2001 - Correcting Blue Dog Press' Copy Editor - Boring but necessary

July 5th, 2001 - Fratboy in Euroland and other Bush Tales

June 28th, 2001 - Juneteenth Dissed, Casino Follies, Wieners, Sam Hoyt

June 19th, 2001 - Buffalo Media Ignores Treasury Wacko Paul O'Neil

June 14th, 2001 - Food Follies, Bar-B-Que Stories, Ignorant White Folks

May 17th, 2001 - Weird Animal Stories

May 10 & June 7th, 2001 - Bush Wins?, The Supreme Payoff, Colin Powell's Kid, Who Trashed the White House

April 19/26, May 3, 2001 - A22 Anti-FTAA Demo Media Analysis - 3 Weeks - 4/26 picked up by AAN.

March 29, 2001 - Taliban, Florida Drought, Ergonomics 

March 22, 2001 - "Free Agents," Anachronisms, Racism

March 16, 2001 - Fast Times at Santana High, Cheney's Heart, Watson, Warner Race & Cheektowaga

March 8, 2001 - SUV Smut (please note - SUV Smut section only appears on-line, censored from BlueDogPress)

March 1, 2001 - Dale Earhardt Snuff Video

February 22, 2001 - XFL = NBC

Also See Mike's Book

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