The Buffalo Gazette
A Monthly Journal of Progress

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The Buffalo Gazette, with a circulation of 75,000 - 82,000 copies, is Buffalo's free monthly journal of progress.  From our office in the heart of the City of Buffalo, we are poised to witness the rebirth of the city of Buffalo as it blossoms around us.

We are a city paper, dedicated to reporting the countless often overlooked stories that make this city a great place to live and work.  We strive to help grow the community oriented businesses that in turn build our communities and improve our quality of life. 

Every day we see the city of Buffalo grow as a cohesive community.  Every day we bear witness to this 21st century success story as we celebrate urban life in the city of Buffalo. 

This is a fantastic community full of opportunity, with inexpensive real estate and low overhead costs paving the way for all sorts of creative entrepreneurial ventures.   Each month the Buffalo Gazette brings you all the success stories, focusing on our friends and neighbors as they work to build our economic base.

We also bring you stories about the myriad, and often little known, cultural and community resources that make our urban life rich.  Join us each month as we explore the city's museums and cultural institutions.  Join our culinary arts critics as they travel to the nooks and crannies of Buffalo in search of inexpensive gourmet fare and unequaled ambiance.

Yes, We're The Gazette and We're Proud to Celebrate Buffalo.  Support us by filling out our subscriber survey. The Gazette is delivered free each month to approximately 24,000 households in Buffalo's center city.  We also distribute over 50,000 copies to libraries, office and government buildings, hospitals, stores and countless other places.    If you live outside of the area, you can have The Gazette delivered via First Class Mail to your home for $20/yr.  

Send E-mail to The Buffalo Gazette Now.

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